Друид - Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch /cast Nature's Swiftness /stopcasting /cast [help] Healing Touch; [target=player] Healing Touch
Друид - Mark of the Wild + Thorns /castsequence [help] reset=10/target Thorns, Mark of the Wild; [target=player]
reset=10/target Thorns, Mark of the Wild
Друид - Hurricane+Barkskin # show Hurricane /stopmacro [channeling:Hurricane] /castsequence reset=60/combat Barkskin, Hurricane
Друид - Gift of the Wild/Mark of the Wild
/cast [button:2] Gift of the Wild; [modifer:ctrl] Gift of the Wild; Mark of the Wild Макрос кастует Gift of the Wild, для баффа Mark of The Wild удерживайте "ctrl".